Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Fairy Cluster Frames

This month the members of Creative Addictions were challenged with making Cluster Frames, Templates and Wordart with the subject of Fairies.

We would like to thank Adele, Gwils, LadyQueen, Les, Pamela and Valerie for making these fabulous additions for our blog this month.

Here are some wonderful Cluster Frames.








Fairy Template

This month the members of Creative Addictions were challenged with making Cluster Frames, Templates and Wordart with the subject of Fairies.

We would like to thank Adele, Gwils, LadyQueen, Les, Pamela and Valerie for making these fabulous additions for our blog this month.

Here is a great template.


Fairy Wordart

This month the members of Creative Addictions were challenged with making Cluster Frames, Templates and Wordart with the subject of Fairies.

We would like to thank Adele, Gwils, LadyQueen, Les, Pamela and Valerie for making these fabulous additions for our blog this month.

Here is some beautiful Word art.