Thursday, July 31, 2014

Summer At The Beach Cluster Frames

This month at Creative Addictions we challenged our members to make cluster frames, masks and scrapkits with the theme of Summer At the Beach. Thank you goes out to Jules, Kittie, Louise, Pamela and Peggers for jumping in and making these things for the blog this month! We appreciate all that jump in. We hope that those of you that stop by the blog will enjoy the selection we have for them this month.

Below you will find a awesome Cluster Frames:





Summer At The Beach Masks

This month at Creative Addictions we challenged our members to make cluster frames, masks and scrapkits with the theme of Summer At the Beach. Thank you goes out to Jules, Kittie, Louise, Pamela and Peggers for jumping in and making these things for the blog this month! We appreciate all that jump in. We hope that those of you that stop by the blog will enjoy the selection we have for them this month.

Below you will find a beautiful masks:


Summer At The Beach ScrapKit

This month at Creative Addictions we challenged our members to make cluster frames, masks and scrapkits with the theme of Summer At the Beach. Thank you goes out to Jules, Kittie, Louise, Pamela and Peggers for jumping in and making these things for the blog this month! We appreciate all that jump in. We hope that those of you that stop by the blog will enjoy the selection we have for them this month.

Below you will find a beautiful kit: