Friday, October 31, 2014

Random Cluster Frames

This month at Creative Addictions the theme was Random. The members were challenged to make cluster frames, masks, scrapkits and templates using this theme. Thanks go to Charlotte, Cindy, Jules, Louise, Rochelle & Shirl for jumping in and making the cluster frames, masks, scrapkits and templates this month. We hope you will enjoy what we have to offer for you this month!

Here are some fantastic Cluster Frames:




Random Template

This month at Creative Addictions the theme was Random. The members were challenged to make cluster frames, masks, scrapkits and templates using this theme. Thanks go to Charlotte, Cindy, Jules, Louise, Rochelle & Shirl for jumping in and making the cluster frames, masks, scrapkits and templates this month. We hope you will enjoy what we have to offer for you this month!

Here is a wonderful template:


Random Masks

This month at Creative Addictions the theme was Random. The members were challenged to make cluster frames, masks, scrapkits and templates using this theme. Thanks go to Charlotte, Cindy, Jules, Louise, Rochelle & Shirl for jumping in and making the cluster frames, masks, scrapkits and templates this month. We hope you will enjoy what we have to offer for you this month!

Here are some great masks:




Random Scrapkits

This month at Creative Addictions the theme was Random. The members were challenged to make cluster frames, masks, scrapkits and templates using this theme. Thanks go to Charlotte, Cindy, Jules, Louise, Rochelle & Shirl for jumping in and making the cluster frames, masks, scrapkits and templates this month. We hope you will enjoy what we have to offer for you this month!

Here is a wonderful kit:


Just an added note about this kit...This is a revamp of an old PTU kit by Squirrely

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Halloween Templates

This month at Creative Addictions the theme is Halloween. The members were challenged to make cluster frames, masks, templates, and scrap kits using this theme. Thanks go to Allison, Gail, Shirl and Tasha for jumping in and making the frames,mask,templates and kit. We hope you will enjoy what we have to offer for you this month!

Here are some Bootiful templates:




Halloween Masks

This month at Creative Addictions the theme is Halloween. The members were challenged to make cluster frames, masks, templates, and scrap kits using this theme. Thanks go to Allison, Gail, Shirl and Tasha for jumping in and making the frames,mask,templates and kit. We hope you will enjoy what we have to offer for you this month!

Here are some masks:


To save the mask below to your computer. 
You must first click on image to make large, then right click to save to your computer. 



Halloween Cluster Frames

This month at Creative Addictions the theme is Halloween. The members were challenged to make cluster frames, masks, templates, and scrap kits using this theme. Thanks go to Allison, Gail, Shirl and Tasha for jumping in and making the frames,mask,templates and kit. We hope you will enjoy what we have to offer for you this month!

Here are some SPOOK-TACULAR cluster frames:





Halloween Scrap Kits

This month at Creative Addictions the theme is Halloween. The members were challenged to make cluster frames, masks, templates, and scrap kits using this theme. Thanks go to Allison, Gail, Shirl and Tasha for jumping in and making the frames,mask,templates and kit. We hope you will enjoy what we have to offer for you this month!

Here are some Bootastic Kits for you: